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The Sunken Place

Writer: E. ZeNai BrooksE. ZeNai Brooks
I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD. Psalms 40:1-3

These days I often cringe when someone ask how I’m doing. Not because I’m depressed or unhappy but because I feel behind in my goals and purpose. You may be surprised by this but while it may seem I have it all together, please believe that there is so much more inside. The problem is that it becomes overwhelming. So, my response to the afore mentioned question these days is “Eh, I’m yet hanging on. ” or “I’m good, just trying to keep up! ” People chuckle but I’m usually serious. I was watching TV one day (which is so unproductive considering I had 1000 other things to do) and I saw a commercial for the movie Get Out. At that moment I realized…maybe, just maybe, I am in a Sunken Place. Seems like I am physically moving but am I making process? Seems like I am active but am I helping others more than myself? Seems like I am on top but am I really progressing?

If you haven’t seen the movie Get Out: Sunken Place – “When one is in a perpetual place of slumber, regarding systematic and idiosyncratic injustice and oppression in regards to race, i.e. the antithesis of being woke. Especially when a person of color can’t or refuses. ” Urban Dictionary.

Now, for purpose of this blog, I don’t mean sunken as in systematically oppressed like the actual definition. But maybe sunken as in slumber, as in going through the motions, no true progression, maybe being spiritual and emotional sunken. Unfortunately, I know many folks are dealing with the same feelings. Some of my friends, some of my family and especially people I see on social media. We are all looking for purpose, trying to find out what’s next, trying to better understand, etc.

How much time have we wasted in this proverbial sunken place? Feeling paralyzed or chasing our tails?

  1. Wanting to be more fulfilled at work but not doing anything to look for a new job or opportunities

  2. Wanting to go back to school or get a certification but not taking steps to enroll or study

  3. Wanting to grow spiritually but not aligning with a church or attending bible study

  4. Wanting to mend broken relationships but not being humble enough to reach out

  5. Wanting to get out of dangerous relationships but not being strong enough to release

Let’s snap out of it…

See, it’s easy to stay sunken. It’s easy to mope and fall further and further behind in life. It’s easy to stay in the same cycle of comfort…except it can be frustrating and very unproductive. We can’t afford to stay there! We can’t afford to waste more time. We can’t afford to be continuously distracted. Time to make a conscious decision to move… To press…

The key scripture encourages us! Based on David’s experience, if we wait patiently on the Lord, He will pull us out of the pit of despair, out of our sunken places! He’ll give us a new foundation and a new song. We just have to trust that the Lord knows and will make a way. #TrustTheProcess In the new testament, Phil 3:13 – Paul acknowledges not having attained perfection but still pressing forward. Still working towards what’s ahead despite setbacks or even mistakes I’m sure. Pressing to get to what God has. We’ll never get there if we choose to stay in the sunken place, we have to press forward.

…forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13‭-‬14 NKJV

So…How do you get out of your sunken place:

  1. Get up – Pick yourself up mentally, spiritually and physically

  2. Get moving – Do something productive. Even if you don’t have clear direction, at least cause some movement

  3. Get joy – Joy comes from the Lord. The more we spend time with Him, the more we trust Him, the more peace we will find.

  4. Get help – Reach out to others. Communicate with trusted mentors and friends for practical guidance and feedback.

It’s time to press forward, Get unstuck. Come out of the sunken place! There is work to be done and God has called each of us to do something. Whether in church, in community, at home, at work or all the above – God has a plan for us. We just have to move in it! Get back on the horse and conquer what’s head!

Peace. Blessings. Love.

Lady Z

*If you are actually depressed need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There are many counselors, therapist and pastors and spiritual leaders who would love to help*


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